Get Ready For Hurricane Season 2022

How you prepare for a hurricane can make all the difference. Being prepared for a hurricane can prevent storm damage to your home and help you and your family be safer and more comfortable, whether you are stuck indoors or need to evacuate. Hurricanes can arrive on short notice, so don't rush to be prepared this hurricane season. Prep ahead of time with the following hurricane preparedness tips!

If your home has been damaged in severe weather, contact our storm claim attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., to request a free consultation.

Protect Your Home

While it's easy to think all may be lost during a storm, there are several ways to protect your home and help prevent hurricane damage, which could result in a home insurance claim.

  • Board Windows. Plywood is effective for protecting your home's windows during severe weather. Attach a sheet of plywood slightly larger than the window to the outside of your home. This will prevent heavy winds and debris from breaking them. Message and cut the boards ahead of time, so you are ready to attach them when a hurricane is on the way.
  • Sandbags. Hurricanes can cause flooding and water damage to your home. If your home is susceptible to flooding, place sandbags around the access point to block water from entering. During hurricane season, many local governments provide sandbags to their residents.
  • Secure Or Remove Outdoor Items. With a hurricane's high winds, outdoor items, such as patio furniture, potted plants, and trash cans, are likely to blow away. If left unsecured, these items can damage your home or neighboring houses, so make sure to tie down items or move them indoors.
  • Trim Tree Branches. One of the top causes of damage during a storm is fallen tree branches. Before hurricane season, check no trim branches are closer than 10 feet to your home or roof.

Be Prepared With The Proper Supplies

Hurricanes and severe weather commonly cause power outages, close stores, and shut down roads. Before the hurricane arrives, people will be frantic to buy supplies, so stores will be crowded and essential items may sell out. To avoid this, gather supplies at the start of hurricane season.

  • Water. Without power, your refrigerator water spout or water pump will be inoperable, so you'll need to plan ahead for an abundant water source, such as bottles and jugs.
  • Food. Depending on the severity of the hurricane, it is advised to gather 3–7 days of food. Remember, you may have no power or limited power to prepare food.
  • Light. Battery-powered flashlights, camp lamps, and oil lamps are great for lighting your home at night without power.
  • Gas. In case of an evacuation, try to fill extra gas tanks for your vehicle.
  • Generator. To ensure you have a working air conditioner and refrigerator during the storm, consider purchasing a generator.
  • First Aid Kit. In the case of a medical emergency during a hurricane, it's important to prepare a first aid kit so you can keep yourself and your family safe.
  • Entertainment. Without power, you and your family may want something fun to do, such as board games, books, puzzles, or other fun gadgets!

Plan Ahead

It is important to have an evacuation plan before it becomes necessary to evacuate. Determine which vehicle is best to take and where you can stay while evacuated. If you have family or friends out of town or out of the evacuation zone, ask if you are able to stay with them until the storm passes.

During the storm, your home may fall victim to roof damage, exterior wall damage, or flooding. Before the storm hits, be aware of your home insurance coverage if you need to file a home insurance claim. Unfortunately, it is common for insurance companies to deny claims, so if issues arise, be sure to contact our experienced insurance claims lawyers to help you get the compensation you deserve.