Hit & Run Accident Lawyer

Were you the victim of a hit-and-run? Did someone hit your car and then leave without checking to see if you were okay or exchanging insurance information? If so, you have options. At the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., we strongly believe you should never have to pay for damages to your car or medical bills that are a result of such a terrible incident. Instead, we will fight to get you the compensation necessary to cover these costs and keep you well informed throughout the process.

Florida’s Definition of a Hit & Run Accident

Whether you are a Florida citizen, a tourist seeing the sights or someone who only spends part of the year here, your case will be handled according to Florida’s legislation. In Florida you are held to the Duty to Give Information and Render Aid. It requires drivers to stop driving and provide the other driver with their insurance and contact information. If the car that has been hit is unattended, the driver must make every effort to locate the owner of the car or leave their own information in plain sight. The driver who caused the accident is also responsible for making sure the other driver is stable. If they are injured, the driver must call for medical assistance.

Penalties for a Hit & Run in Florida

The state of Florida takes hit-and-runs very seriously. The severity of the consequence will depend on the type of accident.

  • Only property damage: Second-degree misdemeanor charges with up to 60 days in prison and a fine of $500
  • Personal injury: Third-degree felony with up to five years in prison and a fine of $5,000
  • Fatality: First-degree felony with up to 15 years in prison and a fine of $10,000

In most of these cases, the guilty party will also be required to pay you restitution fees and he or she may have his or her license revoked.

What to Expect as a Victim of a Hit & Run

Following a typical car accident, the innocent party is able to seek coverage from the guilty party’s insurance provider to cover the cost of car repairs and medical bills. However, following a hit-and-run, you may have difficulty finding the guilty party. In this case, you will need to seek compensation from your own insurance provider. Even though you are the victim of an accident, they may be hesitant to give you the proper coverage you deserve. However, a hit-and-run lawyer from the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A. knows how to navigate through their red tape and fight for your rights.

Even if you are able to successfully track down the driver who hit your car, you may still not be able to get adequate compensation. One of the main reasons drivers attempt to flee the scene following an accident is because they do not have insurance and are afraid of the fees they will have to pay. If the driver does have insurance, you will still have to ensure that you receive proper compensation. Either way, you will need to consult your insurance provider instead. In other cases, you may not be able to find the specific driver but you can trace them back to a company or organization because the vehicle they were driving was marked. Then you will be able to sue the corresponding company or organization for restitution. For either of these situations, you will need a knowledgeable and successful hit-and-run attorney to help you get the money you need to recover.

Consult Orlando Hit & Run Attorneys

Hit-and-runs are not only financially expensive but they have emotional costs as well. Frequently, victims must deal with the fact that another person caused them harm and then left without checking to see if they needed help. In a worst-case scenario, you may have lost a loved one without receiving any compensation or without the peace of mind knowing that the guilty party has been adequately punished. If you are a victim of a hit-and-run, you should never have to go through this process alone. At the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., we will walk you through the case and work tirelessly to provide you with the best defense possible. Contact us today for a free consultation with an Orlando defense attorney.